صفقة غادسدن
عملية شراء أراضي
صفقة شراء غادسدن; صفقة جادسدن
The Purchase treaty defines the new border as "up the middle of that river (the ريو غراندي) to the point where the parallel of 31° 47' north latitude crosses the same ; thence due west one hundred miles; thence south to the rallel of 31° 20' north latitude; thence along the said parallel of 31° 20' to the 111th meridian of longitude west of Greenwich ; thence in a straight line to a point on the Colorado River twenty English miles below the junction of the Gila and Colorado rivers; thence up the middle of the said Colorado river until it intersects the present line between the United States and Mexico." The new border included a few miles of the نهر كولورادو at the western end; the remaining land portion consisted of line segments between points, including at the Colorado River, west of Nogales at , near AZ-NM-Mexico tripoint at , the eastern corners of NM southern boot heel (Hidalgo County) at , and the west bank of the ريو غراندي river at الحدود الشمالية ا�